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 East China University of Political Science and Law

 专业学位硕士学位论文 MASTER’S THESIS






 钮英杰 学 科、专 业

 公共管理 研 究 方 向

 行政管理 指 导 教 师


 莹 论文提交日期

 2017 年 年 5 月 月 16 日

  1 上海市远郊区医院托管模式研究 ——以青浦区朱家角人民医院为例 (摘要)







  医疗卫生事业是捍卫人类健康,造福于民的事业,关系经济发展和社会稳定的全局,发挥着不可替代的作用。在我国“看病贵、看病难”已成为广大人民群众关心的热点问题,而这一问题的产生则是当下人民日益增长的医疗健康需求和医疗资源总体不足且配置不均之间的矛盾紧密相关,医疗资源配置的不均衡在全国范围内普遍存在,上海市作为国内医疗资源富集的大型城市之一也不可避免,特别在远郊区,在区域内无市级三级医院的前提下,当地群众大多无视疾病的轻重缓急,首选中心城区三级医院就诊,进一步加剧了中心城区三级医院“看病难”与优质医疗资源过度使用的问题,而当地二级一级医院门可罗雀,经营困难,医疗资源严重浪费。2010 年,原卫生部发布了[2010]20 号文件《关于公立医院改革试点的指导意见》,在试点的主要内容“完善公立医院服务体系”一条中提出,“通过合作、托管、重组等方式,促进医疗资源合理配置”,其中医院托管则是实现优质资源下沉的一种便捷的方式。


  2 在本文在撰写过程中,笔者结合自身工作实际,广泛调查,认真思考,对与案例医院两次托管有关的指标信息进行了充分的掌握。由于文中大量信息均通过第一手资料获取,且是基于两种托管模式过程中的实际存在的问题进行讨论研究,因此本文具有较强的实证性,通过研究获得的结论和完善性建议具有较强的可操作性。


  3 管模式成功的前提在于托管方与被托管方之间的双赢,但对于医院公益性方面考虑不多;而帮扶性托管模式,则在提升被托管方医疗服务水平的同时更多的关注于提升被托管方服务效能及坚守公立医院公益性,同时由于地理位置的优势,被托管方与托管方之间无缝衔接的更为紧密,有助于托管红利的进一步释放。第四章则是针对上海市远郊区公立医院所面临的困境问题结合案例医院中的部分举措,从政府层面即当地政府支持、下拨专项经费、加强信息化建设、物资帮扶;托管方层面即明确被托管医院市场定位、派遣管理人员有力、实行人才柔性流动机制、加强文化深度融合;被托管方层面:加强员工思想引导、加强重点专科培育、加大院外宣传力度等方面提出上海市远郊区公立医院托管模式下的相关完善性建议。









  1 The Research of Hospital Trusteeship Mode in Shanghai Outer Suburbs ——Case Study: Shanghai Qingpu District Zhujiajiao People’s Hospital


 Major:Public management Research area:Administrative management Author:Niuyingjie Advisor:Zhuying

  Medical and health care is to protect human health, benefit the people"s cause, the relationship between economic development and social stability of the overall situation, plays an irreplaceable role. In our country "difficult and expensive to see a doctor" has become a hot issue of the broad masses of the people concerned, and this problem is produced between the people"s growing demand for health and overall health care resources is insufficient and uneven allocation between closely related, widespread in the country is not balanced allocation of medical resources. Shanghai city as one of the large domestic medical resources enrichment is inevitable, especially in the suburban areas, municipal premises without three level hospitals in the region, the local people are ignoring the disease treatment in the city center three order of priority, hospitals, further exacerbating the downtown three hospital difficult and the excessive use of medical quality the problem of resources, and the two level a deserted house, the local hospital operating difficulties, serious waste of medical resources. In 2010, the former Ministry of Health issued the document No. [2010]20 "on public hospital reform pilot guidance", the main content of the "pilot"s perfect service system" put forward a public hospital, "through cooperation and trust,

  2 restructuring, promote the rational allocation of medical resources", which is hosted by the hospital is a convenient to achieve high quality resources to sink. The hospital managed to hospital ownership and management of the appropriate segmentation, the property owner will be legal or natural person the right to operate the hospital has been entrusted to the contract form has certain management ability and can bear the corresponding rights and obligations or to risk management. Can be entrusted to a certain professional medical management background of the group or company management, can also be entrusted to a certain technology, brand effect and management advantages of large public hospitals take over. Through the signing of the contract, the trustee manages and manages the assets of the trustee, to realize the optimization of the assets of the trusteeship hospital, so as to realize the value of the custody of the hospital. In this paper, in the process of writing, the author combined with their actual work, extensive investigation, serious thinking, and the case of the hospital two custody of the relevant indicators of information for a full grasp. Because of the large amount of information obtained through first-hand information, and is the actual two managed mode in the process of the existing problems are discussed based on the research, this paper has strong empirical, exercisable by the conclusions and suggestions. The purpose of this paper is based on theoretical discussion and case analysis, to provide suggestions for problems trusteeship suburb of Shanghai city public hospitals, so as to further enhance the managed suburb public hospital overall effect and the optimal allocation of medical resources. This paper mainly discusses from four chapters. The first chapter of the thesis research object defines the concepts such as the Shanghai City suburb, public hospital, hospital trusteeship, theoretical basis and analysis of hospital trusteeship, pointed out that many foreign forming theory and diverse, sophisticated analytical tools, for our hospital trusteeship process provides a strong theoretical support, but to so far, foreign and have not formed the trusteeship system and universal hospital formulary. It also reminded in China in the process of

  3 deepening reform, if you want to go the hospital hosting this way, it must be according to local conditions, profound grasp the characteristics of China medical industry, a comprehensive understanding of the dual hospital trusteeship, attaches great importance to the scientific and public hospital trusteeship, only in this way, the reform will be more smooth, will succeed. The second chapter analyzes the present situation of public hospital in Shanghai City suburb by population density, the financial allocation mode, high-quality medical resources allocation, recruitment and loss of the situation, Shanghai suburb public hospitals as convenience is not as good as first level hospitals, the overall strength of less than third level hospitals, was gradually neglected in the first choice of people outside the scope, and gradually become unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one on the special group\, and hospital trusteeship may be one of the ways to change this situation, at the same time hosting the existing mode of Hospital of Shanghai City Office separation trusteeship mode for business trusteeship, helping of trusteeship, and carries on the elaboration, pointed out the characteristics of each managed mode, but for living in the suburbs the public hospital, not the best managed mode, only the most fit the trusteeship and management of the medical center because of Shen Kang The hospital are all three hospitals in Shanghai suburbs, such hospitals are scarce, it is not within the scope of this paper. The third chapter of the case hospital has experienced level of operating mode and mode of helping managed situation from managed hosting, hosting parties overview before situation, objectives, principles, managed hosting, hosting hosting measures are described, then the two managed differentiation analysis, the effect of hosting (service number, service quality and service efficiency the financial situation, comparative analysis, in the pap...

推荐访问:医院营销托管方案 医院 方案 营销



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