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作者: | 发布时间:2023-06-26 11:15:02 | 浏览次数:

thesameas怎么用中文来翻译1  英[ðəseimæz] 美[ðisemæz]  与…同样的;无异;何啻  thesameas情景对话  订货  A:Canweexpectthesamepri下面是小编为大家整理的2023年the,same,as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(完整文档),供大家参考。


the same as怎么用中文来翻译1

  英 [ðə seim æz] 美 [ði sem æz]

  与…同样的; 无异; 何啻

  the same as 情景对话


  A:Can we expect the same price as last time ?


  B:Oh ,yes ,no problem about that.


  A:Good ,we‘ll be ordering in just a few days.


the same as怎么用中文来翻译2

  1. Zhou said the woman spoke fluent Japanese language and was almost the same age as her husband who said he was in business.

  2. From that I learned that business management is the same as the work of a carpenter.

  3. The draft law grants electronic signatures the same legal standing as handwritten signatures and seals in business transactions.

  4. Tan is accused of buying pork at a cost of 12 yuan a kilogram and selling it wholesale as " beef " for the same price.

  5. Trying to navigate the same route by car during rush hour can take as much as an hour.

  6. She replaced it with one of the chairs stacked outside the cafeteria, as they looked the same to her.

  7. Others hold the same view as Sun and call for China to establish a deposit insurance systems soon.

  8. They wanted the same chances as men to get a good education and a good job.

  9. But China didn"t win any events in Montreal and managed only five medals overall, the same number as nontraditional swimming countries South Africa and Canada.

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the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展1)

——figure in怎么用中文来翻译3篇

figure in怎么用中文来翻译1

  英 [ˈfiɡə in] 美 [ˈfɪɡjɚ ɪn]


  出现于; 占据重要位置; 算进



  1. Have you figured in the cost of the hotel?


figure in怎么用中文来翻译2

  1. When the percentage figure was set by regulation in 2007, it elicited doubt immediately.

  2. Cai also said the unemployment rate compiled by the government would not rise markedly in 2008 because rural laborers are not counted in the figure.

  3. He was an active figure in the movement against nuclear proliferation, heading a coalition of Japanese cities calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

  4. China contributes a quarter of Canon"s sales in Asia excluding Japan and North Korea with last year"s figure being US $ 460 million.

  5. A college student who collects used plates in a university canteen to pay for his studies has become a popular figure on the Internet.

  6. The " Blue Paper " said the figure was based on the current cost of living in the capital.

  7. The religious figure carving has preserved and followed a beautiful woodcarving tradition in China up to the present day.

  8. The growth figure is always the focus, particular in the case of China.

  9. With the signing of the CEPA between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, nearly 60 per cent of respondents said that CEPA will figure in their business plans.

  10. With the signing of the CEPA between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, nearly 60 percent of respondents said that CEPA will figure in their business plans.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展2)

——move along怎么用中文来翻译3篇

move along怎么用中文来翻译1

  英 [mu:v əˈlɔŋ] 美 [muv əˈlɔŋ]

  move along 基本解释

  (使)往前走, (使)走开


  1. (尤指被警察告知)走开,别停留;命令…离开

  If someone, especially a police officer, tells you to move along, or if they move you along, they tell you to stop standing in a particular place and to go somewhere else.

  e.g. Curious pedestrians were ordered to move along...


  e.g. Our officers are moving them along and not allowing them to gather in large groups.


move along怎么用中文来翻译2

  1. Massive tankers move millions of tons of cargo along the Huangpu around the clock, making Shanghai the world"s busiest container port.

  2. The move to significantly boost the ROK"s missile capabilities along with development of advanced aerial reconnaissance vehicles is likely to rattle the DPRK.

  3. But neither appeared and the show went on without a host, a lineup of presenters filling in to move things along.

  4. " I knew it was the right move all along, " Gilbert said.

  5. He said the move goes along with the Party"s call to consolidate good relations with neighboring countries through deepened collaboration.

  6. Its move leaves England as one of four European bids, along with Russia and joint bids from Belgium and Holland and Spain and Portugal.

  7. Another two groups are soon to move into the European Market City, a business hub along the highway between Brussels and Antwerp.

  8. Ferries move along the Yangtze River in this photo taken in October, 2005.

  9. " It"s the prime minister"s decision how rapidly he wants to move along with assuming control, " Caldwell said.

  10. The more the consultations and negotiations, the better the chances for bilateral ties to move along a smoother road.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展3)

——study up on怎么用中文来翻译3篇

study up on怎么用中文来翻译1

  英 [ˈstʌdi ʌp ɔn] 美 [ˈstʌdi ʌp ɑn]



study up on怎么用中文来翻译2

  1. The study also shows that people who have given up on smoking achieve better performance than other smokers who have the same ED problem.

  2. A separate instruction on Wednesday required an extensive study of public complaints on file about police misconduct that have been ignored or covered up.

  3. A negotiating commi* should be set up and a joint expertise group will begin to work on a feasibility study.

  4. Based on the study some scholars say the population distribution goal the government has set up for 2010 and 2020 is impractical.

  5. Since her study came out on Tuesday, people have been coming up to her with new reasons to have sex.

  6. The summit set 2012 as a target date for wrapping up a joint feasibility study on the proposed Free Trade Area among the three countries.

  7. Their study found the Chinese to be " very patient ", saying they would wait up to 90 seconds on average for the light to change.

  8. But they are growing up with good care at this school, where 78 orphans study on the first floor and live on the upper one.

  9. Liang said that she had given up driving to work since October just because she could study during the time on bus.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展4)

——with one voice怎么用中文来翻译3篇

with one voice怎么用中文来翻译1

  英 [wið wʌn vɔis] 美 [wɪð wʌn vɔɪs]

  with one voice 基本解释

  异口同声地,一致地; 众口如一

with one voice怎么用中文来翻译2

  1. In a country where love of gadgetry goes beyond the ordinary, the smartphone can do a lot more than just connecting one voice with another.

  2. These disparate agendas have inhibited the Bush Administration and Congress from speaking with one voice.

  3. He emphasized that China and India " speak with one voice ", which helps to nurture more cooperation under multilateral mechanisms to tackle global challenges.

  4. Thanks to the work of the association, local companies have been able to speak with one voice and develop rapidly.

  5. When they speak with one voice, it is not good for the public interest.

  6. When a song is finished, they cheer with one voice " Happy ".

  7. We support stronger policy coordination between our counterparts so that Europe can engage in a positive dialogue with China with one voice.

  8. The world"s fashion experts spoke with one voice and announced that this season, the hemlines would be short.

  9. It has long been said that Europe must speak with one voice, but there cannot be only one voice.

  10. Forging unity and speaking with one voice has never been an easy task.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展5)

——stand a chance用中文怎么翻译3篇

stand a chance用中文怎么翻译1

  英 [stænd ə tʃɑ:ns] 美 [stænd e tʃæns]

  stand a chance 基本解释

  有可能,有希望; 大有希望

stand a chance用中文怎么翻译2

  1. It certainly ought to stand a better chance of reaching into the hearts of Anglophone readers than many other works of modern Chinese fiction.

  2. Even if the measures stand little chance, it would force Democrats to cast a vote in an election year.

  3. " Some of our"Malaysian Idol"contestants wouldn"t stand a chance on"American Idol, "" she said.

  4. We don"t ask for favors, but a chance to stand on our feet.

  5. Their young need food that is high in nutrients if they are to stand a good chance of reaching *hood.

  6. So, we stand a better chance of breathing cleaner air in Beijing.

  7. Although their discovery was for a new use, they were told they would stand no chance to get a patent.

  8. She also lost that case, knowing she did not stand a chance of winning.

  9. Cabbies at least stand some chance of getting a fair share of the pie.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展6)

——may as well用中文怎么翻译 (菁选2篇)

may as well用中文怎么翻译1

  英 [mei æz wel] 美 [me æz wɛl]

  may as well 基本解释

  不妨; 也好

may as well用中文怎么翻译2

  1. This year"s Duanwu Festival opened on May 28 with a spectacular dragon boat racing cavalcade, as well as international competition racing in the Xixi Wetland Park.

  2. The highlight may be its seafood bar, overflowing with caviar as well as clams and other premium shellfish.

  3. Moss is already the face of a record 14 ad campaigns, and she may now be adding designer to her resume as well.

  4. It may take decades as well for the queuing culture to fully bloom, but Beijing"s effort is certainly a good start.

  5. But several others companies involved in the failed oil may well be required to chip in as well.

  6. Going public may give the company and major stockholders greater access to funds, as well as additional prestige and wealth.

  7. Visitors may also enjoy themselves by purchasing fashion clothes and tourism crafts as well as tasting snacks from different regions at the fair.

  8. As for what areas she will probably have work done on, well stretch marks after she gives birth may come in for some treatment.

  9. As commercial buildings nudge up close to its borders, the art area may be doomed as well.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展7)

——move along怎么用中文来翻译 (菁选2篇)

move along怎么用中文来翻译1

  英 [mu:v əˈlɔŋ] 美 [muv əˈlɔŋ]

  move along 基本解释

  (使)往前走, (使)走开


  1. (尤指被警察告知)走开,别停留;命令…离开

  If someone, especially a police officer, tells you to move along, or if they move you along, they tell you to stop standing in a particular place and to go somewhere else.

  e.g. Curious pedestrians were ordered to move along...


  e.g. Our officers are moving them along and not allowing them to gather in large groups.


move along怎么用中文来翻译2

  1. Massive tankers move millions of tons of cargo along the Huangpu around the clock, making Shanghai the world"s busiest container port.

  2. The move to significantly boost the ROK"s missile capabilities along with development of advanced aerial reconnaissance vehicles is likely to rattle the DPRK.

  3. But neither appeared and the show went on without a host, a lineup of presenters filling in to move things along.

  4. " I knew it was the right move all along, " Gilbert said.

  5. He said the move goes along with the Party"s call to consolidate good relations with neighboring countries through deepened collaboration.

  6. Its move leaves England as one of four European bids, along with Russia and joint bids from Belgium and Holland and Spain and Portugal.

  7. Another two groups are soon to move into the European Market City, a business hub along the highway between Brussels and Antwerp.

  8. Ferries move along the Yangtze River in this photo taken in October, 2005.

  9. " It"s the prime minister"s decision how rapidly he wants to move along with assuming control, " Caldwell said.

  10. The more the consultations and negotiations, the better the chances for bilateral ties to move along a smoother road.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展8)

——英文nose over用中文怎么翻译 (菁选2篇)

英文nose over用中文怎么翻译1

  英 [nəuz ˈəuvə] 美 [noz ˈovɚ]

  nose over 基本解释


英文nose over用中文怎么翻译2

  1. She said Men choked the girl and put his hands over her nose and mouth before hitting her with rocks he found in the road.

  2. Bush will appear with cuts and scrapes on his chin and nose following a fall from a bicycle over the weekend.

  3. The TV star has been battling the virus over the last few days and her stuffy nose and sore throat gave her a deeper voice.

  4. Besotted relatives cooing over a newborn baby should not be looking out for her father"s nose or mother"s eyes.

  5. The man lay on a hospital bed covered by a white blanket and had an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展9)

——英语move off用中文怎么翻译 (菁选2篇)

英语move off用中文怎么翻译1

  英 [mu:v ɔf] 美 [muv ɔf]


  动词 离开,死,畅销



  1. The troops moved off at dawn.


英语move off用中文怎么翻译2

  1. CEO Vikram Pandit"s move will allow Citigroup to sell or spin off the Citi Holdings assets to raise cash.

  2. Industry *ysts said the move would kick off a chain reaction in the industry.

  3. While passing is prohibited during safety car periods, a driver can move up if a car ahead goes off the circuit.

  4. A source with the civil affairs authority of Chengdu says the move is aimed to effectively stave off coercive begging.

  5. As he ran off to seek help, those of us who could still move within the confined space tried our cell phones.

  6. She cut off adoptive ties last year but her son refused to move out of her home.

  7. That move was an attempt to cool off local officials"fever to sell land by reducing the profits they could earn.

  8. The phone was then cut off and Evans had to move on.

  9. Experts also criticized the practice of cutting off power and water supplies to force stubborn homeowners to move.

  10. In the end, neither side was willing to move off their positions.

the same as怎么用中文来翻译3篇(扩展10)

——英语go up怎么用中文来翻译 (菁选2篇)

英语go up怎么用中文来翻译1

  英 [ɡəu ʌp] 美 [ɡo ʌp]

  go up 基本解释

  上升; 响起; (幕布)升起; 破产

  go up 情景对话


  A:The last order didn‘t work out too well for us


  B:What was wrong?


  A:We were developing too much waste .


  B:I suggest you go up to our next higher price level.


英语go up怎么用中文来翻译2

  1. (价格、数量或水*)上涨,上升

  If a price, amount, or level goes up, it becomes higher or greater than it was.

  e.g. Interest rates went up...


  e.g. The cost has gone up to $1.95 a minute...


  2. (建筑物等)被兴建,被建起

  When a building, wall, or other structure goes up, it is built or fixed in place.

  e.g. He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park.


  3. 爆炸;突然燃烧起来

  If something goes up, it explodes or starts to burn, usually suddenly and with great intensity.

  e.g. I was going to get out of the building in case it went up...


  e.g. The hotel went up in flames.


  4. (喊声或欢呼声)响起,大作

  If a shout or cheer goes up, it is made by a lot of people together.

  e.g. A cheer went up from the other passengers.


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