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作者: | 发布时间:2023-01-05 08:20:04 | 浏览次数:

粽子寓意英语作文1  Iwanttoeatzongzitoday,letmompackzongzi,butIwanttotrymyself,andletmymotherpromisemetopack下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度粽子寓意英语作文五篇【完整版】,供大家参考。



  I want to eat zongzi today,let mom pack zongzi,but I want to try myself,and let my mother promise me to pack zongzi.

  My mother took some bamboo leaves out.I thought I had to pack the zongzi.I was ready to pack the zongzi.But I didn"t think my mother put the leaves in the pot,pressed it with two bowls,then poured some water into it and burned it.I think we must remove the harmful substances above.My mother told me to make the bamboo leaves soft and disinfect,so that it can be done.

  It was not easy for the water to open.My mother took the two bowls out,poured all the things in the pot into a large basin,and then carried the big pot to the table,and mother told me to wash the bamboo leaves before the dumplings were wrapped.

  Finally,I can pack zongzi,I pick up a piece of dumplings leaves,learn the appearance of mother,close to the petiole of the place with two hands to hold,and again,become a conical thing,I used a slightly flat spoon to get some rice,down inside,not good!The funnel incident,the hand did not hold steady,the following a mouth,the result of the rice dropped out,I made a few times "day" will have holes,"Tianhe" like rain leaked out like a mother wrapped a zongzi,I was very anxious in the heart.It was difficult to complete this step.My mother almost wrapped five or six dumplings.Then,when the bag came up,there was a funnel incident again.I finished it very hard,but I would not tie the rope.Let mommy help you and wrap it up.

  Anyway,this time I feel very tired after making zongzi,and I want to help my mother do something later.







  Today is the 4th of may,tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival,you see,grandma rolled up the sleeves and sat down.She picked two broad,long bamboo leaves,a twist on her left hand,and a turn on her right hand,and the bamboo leaves became a trumpet.

  I help to put the rice and meat in a side on the "horns" (mean rice dumplings),then grandma to stay outside of the two pieces of blade tip one click on the "horns" mouth,left hand hold dumplings,right hand hold a thread,on the other side with teeth.Zongzi "somersaults" in grandma"s hand,and the line loops around the zongzi.Hi,a decent zongzi bag is made.More than an hour later,grandma wrapped a large basket of rice dumplings.


  From the reflection that eats a zhongzi to cause "May 5,it is uprightmidday.The door is ed moxa,sweet full hall.Eat a zhongzi,scatter whitesugar.Dragon boat enters the water jubilant." annual dragon boat festivalarrived again.Our family is surrounded happily sit beside dining table,tastingthe zhongzi that the grandma wraps with ones own hands with pleasure,wear alittle in those days Qu Yuan...Father says,be being bent in those days isformerly cannot get put sb in a very important position because of talent and bybanish,full day is sullen,cast river take ones own life finally.Heard thisstory,I was immersed in contemplative:After all he is this kind of behaviorcorrect?

  Although his of one mind is a country,brilliant,but,jump riverrepresenting him to abandon to everything,oneself ideal,aspiration castsbeyond the highest heavens,he faces this world,escape only,his this with oneaction is moved,it is to make person disappointment clinking really,a person,if treat a thing to have despair only,not any rise heart,how does heaccomplish great exploit then?Fall 1 secondary climbs from the 2nd,fall 2secondary climb from the 3rd...fall 100 secondary climb from 101.Qu Yuan failsto insist to come down,he was not certain oneself sooner or later wont again "fall " ,can be like hill general stand erect,he is flat no longer " climb " ,namely such,he failed.Stayed merely in that way " from coquettish " ,throughthe ages of the peak of poetic perfection,writing the regret of hislifetime.Bend former grandfather,your talent mixes my admire devotion,but menot approve of your jump river behavior,if I am you,the life that I am exilingis itinerary in continue to give off light calorific,I believe:Gold gives offlight with respect to regular meeting,where be no matter this goldis.


  The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is there are a lot of cultured.Zongzi,leaves a request,the fresh bamboo leaves; Green green; Sending out thelight faint scent.If use dry out after the dumplings boiled bamboo leaves nobamboo fragrance.One afternoon before the Dragon Boat Festival all rawmaterials ready,white glutinous rice soaked in water,full of red bean,peanut,have already ready,or chopped pork belly,have already with good ingredientsflooded system.With deft hands industrious goodwife is left folded right,thenuse the rope layer upon layer,a delicate rice dumplings was born soon.Cookedpot and the house was filled with the fragrance of bamboo and rice dumplings.Inaddition to eating zongzi and eggs is little not.This two kinds of food are puttogether,even if you don"t eat just looking at is to enjoy,the red oval eggs,meat green irregular shape of the dumplings,from color collocation to thecombination of shape,it.

  Smoked,hang mugwort on the lintel on the Dragon BoatFestival day.Hang sachets,various shapes of decorations,cloth make it brightput spices on the inside.Every year my mother to help me buy a hanging in hischest.



  As early as a few days ago,the streets were filled with zongzi,and the fragrance of zongzi wafted everywhere.Today,I can finally eat the delicious zongzi made by my mother.Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.


  My mother is really amazing.She can make several kinds of zongzi with different tastes,including red date zongzi,bean zongzi,egg yolk zongzi,and my favorite meat zongzi.As soon as zongzi is out of the pot,my brother and I will fight for it from you for fear that we will eat one less.

  正当我们准备把粽子送入嘴里的时候,爸爸走了过来,微笑着说:”你们知道端午节为什么要吃粽子吗?“我们异口同声地回答:”为了纪念屈原!“”对!那你们知道为什么要纪念他呢?“我和哥哥你 看着我,我望着你,直摇头。”在春秋时期,爱国诗人屈原眼看自己的祖国被侵略,心如刀割,但又不忍舍弃自己的祖国,所以在五月初五抱石投汨罗江身死。以后,在每年的五月初五,就有了赛龙舟 、吃粽子的风俗,以此来纪念爱国诗人屈原。“

  Just as we were about to put zongzi into our mouths,Dad came over and smiled and said,"do you know why we eat Zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival?" we all replied in unison,"in memory of Qu Yuan!" "yes!Then why do you remember him?" my brother and I looked at me and I looked at you and shook our heads." In the spring and Autumn period,Qu Yuan,a patriotic poet,saw his motherland being invaded and his heart was cut like a knife,but he could not bear to give up his motherland,so he threw stones into Miluo River on the fifth day of May and died.Later,on the fifth day of May every year,there was the custom of dragon boat racing and eating zongzi,in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan."


  My brother and I nodded.It turns out that Dragon Boat Festival has such a meaning.Today,I have not only delicious zongzi,but also a lot of harvest.

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